Thursday, May 29, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance- Salt Lake Additions

So SYTYCD was amazing last night!! Salt Lake additions were awesome!!! i can't wait till i can try out. those of you who know Ever might of saw him. he was on the second day at the very end when they do the choreography round. you just see him for a second dancing and he's in a green shirt. then the Texas additions were interesting i thought ha ha but i LOVED LOVED LOVED that black guy that made it to Vegas that was a popper. if he makes it on the show I'm so voting for him 1,000 times!!!!! (no kidding) SYTYCD is on again tonight and I'm excited to see it! love ya all see ya!


Tommy, Brittney and Ryder Patane said...

YAY for So You Think You Can Dance! I love that show! It's the best! I can't wait for this week! It's gonna be good!

Tommy, Brittney and Ryder Patane said...
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Loni-Loo said...

i loved that party you did
and also love watching sytycd

dancer 4 life Nicole said...

Hey megs! I still haven't seen very many episodes of so you think you can dance! I seriously should have kept on watching them! Hey! i got a blog! you should check it out! It's